Katie "Jordan" Price

Katrina Alexandria Alexis Infield was born to Ray Infield and Amy (née Charlier) in Brighton, England. Katie "Jordan" Price maternal grandmother is Jewish. When Katie was four, her parents split up. In 1988, her mother married Paul Price, after which Katie took her stepfather's surname. Katie "Jordan" Price has an older brother named Daniel and a maternal half-sister, Sophie (born 1989). Katie was mole---- by a man when she was seven. Katie "Jordan" Price attended secondary school at Blatchington Mill Secondary School which she later revisited for a TV show called "With a Little Help from My Friends".

Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez's first television job as an actress was on the Fox series South Central. Jennifer Lopez also made a guest appearance Second Chances and Hotel Malibu. Jennifer Lopez then appeared in the made-for-television film Nurses on the Line: The Crash of Flight 7. Jennifer Lopez's first serious screen role was in Gregory Nava's 1995 drama My Family, playing the character of Young Maria in the 1920s. After starring alongside Jimmy Smits and Edward James Olmos in My Family, Jennifer Lopez starred in the action film Money Train opposite Wesley Snipes and Woody Harrelson. In 1996, Jennifer Lopez beat out Ashley Judd and Lauren Holly for the supporting role in Francis Ford Coppola's 1996 comedy Jack starring Robin Williams. Jennifer Lopez then starred opposite Jack Nicholson in Bob Rafelson's well-received noir thriller Blood and Wine.


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